Emergency intercommunity clinic

Emergency intercommunity clinic for the population in Moss, Våler, Råde and Vestby.

For all inquiries, please call 116 117
When life- threatening illness/ injury, please call 113
If you are outside of Norway, please call + 47 69 25 33 33 

The emergency clinic is open 24 hours a day.

Mosseregionens legevakt
Moss, Råde, Våler og Vestby

Peer Gyntsvei 84
1535 Moss

116 117
692 53 333

Åpningstider: Døgnåpent


The phone at the emergency clinic will be answered at all hours.

We encourage everyone to call in advance so that we can provide the best possible assistance.

When you visit the emergency clinic, we will ask you for your id, medication, regular
doctor and other relevant information.

If you want to give us feedback, please send a letter or e-mail.
Email: legevakt@moss.kommune.no.